Sunday, March 04, 2007

This was my big secret...

how I'd get ahead
and never have to worry
I'd call him instead

from "Story of the Ghost"

I now have definite proof that ghosts exist and that they have come close to me. Okay - maybe not "definite" but more subjective proof. Either that or maybe I am delusional and completely misguided - I guess that can't be ruled out either.

I would have to refer you to the post below this one and direct you to the video of my newest song on My Space and I know it is a pretty cheesy way to get you to watch me sing if you had not already done so to begin with, but I need an audience any way I can get it. It took me a while to find the exact position to set up the camera, but if you look at it, you can see the reflection of the window in my glasses. I placed it on top of the loading paper tray of my printer/fax machine - the same place you would put a fax to send to someone, and this would be away from the window. So I am sure a camera expert is going to come up with a completely scientific and technical explanation of what I am about to describe, but what fun is that.

Look to the left if you are facing the screen at what is actually my right elbow and throughout the song you can see a little ghostly ball of white light that almost appears to be dancing with my arm. I look in the direction 3 times - completely unplanned - as I thought someone was coming into the room and was somewhat startled when I did that. Also notice that the lyrics to the song have somewhat ghostly spiritual type of references to an invisible woman beside me, spirits of my ancestors, and needing a little light (also a Dead tune - Just a Little Light - not a huge surprise that they are an influence of my song writing) - and it all adds up - this is the perfect excuse for a friendly ghost to appear in a 4 1/2 minute video and do a little dance with my elbow.

Yes - I know there has to be a technical explanation - the light quantities are reflected off my glasses and pinpoint on the middle left side of the screen due to the exact angle of the sun and the angle of the camera - and maybe so - but then again - whose to say? Even if there is a technical explanation, does that rule out the ghost? There is a Michael Franti lyric that says "nobody right, nobody wrong". Maybe that technical explanation is a perfect excuse for that ghost to hang out.

Some people don't believe in ghosts and spirits. Personally I do. Up until now, I have never experienced the possibility that a ghost was in the room with me. Once when I was singing with my eyes closed I had a sense that a shadow was passing by me - it was faint, and clearly no proof of anything. My wife on the other hand has had a lot more persuasive and direct experiences with them, and she also has a great love for science. She watched this video and in her mind there is no doubt that is in fact what it is. Maybe others are more skeptical. I am not sure what to believe myself, but even the possibility that it was a ghost - captured live on the internet for all to see - is a little frightening. Victoria has heard the voice of a child in this house, seen a woman in closet disappear in our house in San Diego.

I know some will say - hallucinations, delusions, schizophrenia. I don't think it is that simple. I think that our mind has a gateway into the other unseen worlds, and all of our logic and science has taken us away from that. Then there are some that come closer to that world, and maybe don't function so well in this one. Those that know how to cash it in might have a future in the psychic realm, but many do not do so well in this world of production and material. In Native American societies someone with what we call schizophrenia was seen as respected as one with a link to the spirits. In present times, we throw medication on them and call them sick and dysfunctional.

So anyways - come to your own decision - and feel free to let me know what side you vote for. The jury is out for me at this time.


Blogger Zook said...

Hey you have been in my room before - your idea might make sense if it was later in the afternoon, but I don't think it was a shadow. Possibly it could have been the glare from the guitar, but I think the shadow is out of this equation.

Actually - the 99 cent burrito idea is more plausible!

8:19 AM  
Blogger Zook said...

Never argue with an electrical engineer

Are you okay?

1:11 PM  
Blogger Zook said...

Yeah I will never remember that - the fact that you work at an electric company always throws me off

4:42 PM  

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