Sunday, February 04, 2007

Hey Mr. Spaceman

Hey, Mr. Spaceman
Won't you please take me along
I won't do anything wrong
Hey, Mr. Spaceman
Won't you please take me along for a ride

Well - I am officially writing from a computer at home today. And with that in mind - I want to start by jumping right in and saying now is not a time to be proud to be a human being. I just watched An Inconvenient Truth and I am convinced Al Gore does in fact deserve to win the Nobel Peace Prize he has been nominated for recently. I always want to believe there are two sides to any story, but after watching this, I believe that anyone who does not believe in global man made warming is on the same camp as those who believe the Earth is flat, the holocaust does not exist, the biblical version of creation - the one that says we are a full 6,000 years old - in other words - I don't know how clear it can be. I am torn in believing that there has to be some hope for us vs. believing in complete and utter doom - but it seems we pretty much brought this upon ourselves and have to live with our own consequences of massive consumption and greed. To think we might have had a prayer in actually reversing this if Gore was elected, when in fact we chose who will probably go down in history as the utter worst ever for not one but two terms also makes me somewhat ashamed to be lumped in the category of human beings.

I know I am one. I look in the mirror and I see a hairy frumpled human being staring back at me. To survive I need food and water intake, I urinate, defacate, and have been known as a male member to even ejaculate. I for one have had many differences with my human beings I have known and associated with for such a long time that I have often wondered if a little green man came down from the sky that I would finally feel re-united with long lost brethren.

Let me now start with some individual specifics. Today I will be watching the most watched TV event of the year - the Super Bowl - with some actual interest, so that makes me somewhat linked to my fellow humans I guess. But let's start with the newest proposed topic in my family - that of attending a cruise. The article I linked may seem a little harsh, but it gives 10 solid reasons why I would never in my human life want to go on one of these. Maybe when I am older and the population on one will be more within my age group - I might decide to be interested, but that is hard to imagine. I just can't for the life of me understand what would ever motivate one to get on a large crammed boat and choose this as a means or method of enjoyment. I know others do enjoy these - and I can respect that. Some might say I have never done one, so how would I know I hate it so much. Well - I have never been submerged from head to toe in sewage either, but it is pretty clear to me that I would prefer to avoid this as well. After pondering, the concept of a cruise sounds wretched to me. Blame it on The Love Boat - probably one of the worst shows to ever hit the TV screen - a show which I watched in my childhood and may have caused permanent damage to my psyche. Everything about this show is so wrong, starting with the captain shown on this link, who clearly should have never moved on from his more natural role on the Mary Tyler Moore show - to the whole perverted western concept of love which I once bought into, in part because of this show. The idea of being stuck on a boat just makes me nauseous before I even get seasick. I think the appeal is to those who like to drink, who can get bombed without having to worry about driving home. Then if you are sick, you can always just heave off the side of the boat. I also understand there are tons of food on these things, so you sit around and eat like a pig the whole time - sorry - don't need that either.

Combine this with the proposed notion that this would be a reunion of my family. I know I previously had written about theories about why my family is so distant - but forget that for now if you can and let's just say it speaks for itself and it is what it is. Geographically - other than the two parents who live in the same house, nobody else is within 100 miles of each other. Parents in LA suburb, brother in San Diego, sister in Monterrey/San Jose vicinity, I am here in Northern Nevada, brother in New York. Our natural state of gravitated inertia suggests we are pretty comfortable away from each other. At times we have had our camps - the So Cal camp, the No Cal camp - but overall - the further from each other the more comfortable we are - which is why we are where we are. It is not a natural state for our family to be together. The last time it happened at Mammoth Lakes I couldn't sleep and had nightmares. I don't have claustrophobia literally - I can crawl around in crawl spaces during home inspections and be quite okay with it. But part of that is because I know I can get out eventually. My family makes me claustrophobic though. It is so utterly against our nature to be in one place together, that everything screams out against it, and then when we act like it is a natural event it seems even more unnatural. Combine that with the close quarters of a cabin on a ship described in the cruise link above, and I think I would have an urge to jump ship after the first day. There would be no escape, no way out - HELPPP!!! I would have to bring along seasick pills, anxiety pills, maybe finally even get on anti-depressants to survive that week of torture. All the while creating needless pollution upon our ocean mother so a bunch of us can go for an intoxicated joy ride. Sorry - but life is too short for that for me. Thankfully life is short as I will not fully live to see the consequences of global warming. I wish I could say the same for my daughter.

I know - families are suppose to be close - another reason I think I am really an outer space alien. People actually enjoy cruises - I don't - chalk another point. I think about the things people like to do around the area I live:

1) Go to church - to listen to some boring sermon by a certified religious authority who can tell me his or her version of what I am supposed to believe in based on a book written thousands of years before I was born. Yawn. No - not for me. I like to believe I am spiritual, but for me organized religion has never been consistent with spirituality.

2) Go skiing - go racing down a hill in a terrified state with the goal of reaching the bottom without falling over countless times. Once you get there, your reward is to do it one more time and get up that chairlift. I really tried to do this at once. I understand knee and wrist breaks are quite common. I will pass.

3) Fishing - Sit around bored out of your skull, and then feel the sudden excitement hours later - if at all - of watching a fish thrash and fight it's way to a painful death. Uggg.

4) Gambling - Go into a smoke filled den to piss away the money I have on some ominous sounding series of slot machines playing demonic music while zombies stare into the screen in a possessed state of hope that they will get the money back they lost. Even if the resolution has been passed to take away the smokers - pretty depressing.

5) Head to Las Vegas - I was just there for training and I had this image of all those casinos and buildings, draining resources, having water diverted to them in a drought situation - and pondered the notion of what it would be like with all the electricity shut off. It could happen. People think electricity is an automatic thing - but with the world's resources in question - don't count on it. Think of a scene out of Road Warrior. All of the building there seems consistent to me with all the greed and excess that are driving us to the state of global warming to begin with. It is a city - like our state - built off people blowing their money in casinos. Or you can pay 100 bucks or more to see a show. Every time I leave that place I am so glad I don't live there. Good food - but that's about it for me.

So long story short - I may be a human, but based on association with my fellow humans, this is not a time to be proud to be one. I apologize for my present lack of optimism. Mr. Gore seems to suggest that there is hope for us at the end of the movie. I remain unconvinced - and I realize I am part of the problem as well - every time I commute close to an hour to get to work - I am part of the problem. As one of my brilliant professors once said in a lecture "species come, species go". Maybe we are just another species sealing our own doom. If that is in fact the case, than we had better make the best of it while we can, as it is only is going to get worse. I still believe there is some hope - as I cannot help believe that - but at the same time, I am not really sure why I believe that. Hopefully we can vote for someone who is actually going to get off his ass and do something about it. Maybe our brilliant ologopoly corporate leaders may finally figure out it is in their best interests to act now instead of suppress and manipulate information. To their credit, some of them are - even the evil empire Walmart from what I understand.

To quote Jim Morrison here

"I just want to get my kicks before the whole shit-house goes up in flames."

We had better appreciate life and what we take for granted around us every day before our own actions seal our own doom.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's good that you realize that you are not completely human - a mistake made by millions. I am sure that some bizarre event occurred involving your mother's egg and an alien's sperm with the end result being you. That or you are a plain and simple pussy - which after reading your entries I am sure that is what you are. You have no balls, no back bone and no adventure for life. You just sit there on your back porch in your rocking chair where life is safe and we'll all go on enjoying life without your vagina blocking our view.

6:19 PM  
Blogger Zook said...

Okay - let me try this again - assuming that you are most likely my delightful ex, but possibly you aren't

By your logic - female = weak and cowardly. I am sure women all over the world appreciate your sexist way of thinking. I admit it - I am a female - I am weak, and cowardly because I don't choose to go on a cheesy cruise (a real sense of adventure to be on one of those where everything is constantly provided for one and in excess on top of that) - maybe that is where you go on your "adventures" - being the brave person you are who can't even post his/her identity.

I admit it - I am a pussy - and proud of it too.

8:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What I always enjoy is when someone insults someone else and calls them a coward and then hides behind a mask. lol

Hang in there zook. You're doing JUST fine. :)

9:27 AM  

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