Friday, January 19, 2007

May seem like a million miles away

but it gets a little closer every day - line from a song by the Police about One World is Enough - whatever - no time to link it as I have 25 minutes left and only have e-access via library these days. It figures that after 18 years with one company the transition to another would not exactly be smooth. 2 weeks without a computer now and you don't realize how dependent you are on these things from everything from checking e-mail to your bank account, and even posting here. 24 will be quick. So far the people I work with have been great, but not having a computer is definitely a karmic challenge. I am going around to my numerous freeze break appointments with a real life pen and paper which is definitely strange. Have fronted a bunch of expenses as well and will be re-imbursed. Late on my last paycheck and with a one week delay here, it is a little stressful financially. I just want to fast forward one month when I have my computer, no what the hell I am doing, and feel somewhat established - but it will come. All I got for now - will be back to my full blown novels when I get my new computer - whenever that is....


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