Thursday, January 05, 2006

Catch a few winks, under the bed

(Tennesse Jed)

Deja vu all over again - last winter it was massive snow claims, now it is massive water claims and they are coming in like crazy. For the time being, I am pretty much on my own and it already got to me last night - I didn't sleep all that well. But - I keep telling myself my same line "all you can do is the best you can" and burning out will not solve anything - so I am just taking it as well as I can, and putting in when I can - and anything that falls beyond that, just goes to the powers that be - because I can't put the world on my shoulders all the time. Some marked differences from last year though - all the time and effort I was putting into the chat room, and to Instant Messenger - is instead going to my job. So now I can really look anyone in charge of me in the eye and tell them I really am doing my best, because there is no longer any kind of monkey on my back. Now - I know I needed that monkey on my back when it was there, so no regrets of any kind - but at the same time, I am trying now to empower myself as much as possible and that means to avoid unnecessary addictions at all cost (with the golden exception to the rule being chocolate - and besides - it is good for you - just like WINE right?) - but other than that, everything I have goes into my job and my family.

It is also nice to have a stable home situation that was lacking last year. No one is ever going to claim perfection here, and we are going to be having the eternal argument about where we should live probably until one of us falls over and dies, but over all - we are a team and not two opponents avoiding each other in hostile silence like last year. Let me tell you - that is not fun. So - the storm may be gathering on the work front, but it is quite a relief to have some refuge on the home front.

So - tonight get a little work done, and take every day in stride. I have no control over what the powers that be decide to do regarding the upper level decisions, all I can do is control my part and work hard, without working too hard to the point of being a basket case. One sleepless night aside, so far it seems to be working out okay.

"When the smoke has cleared, she said, that's what she said to me.
Gonna want a bed to lay your head and a little sympathy."



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