Friday, December 30, 2005

Imaginary guitar notes and imaginary vocals, exist only in the imagination of the imaginer

... and ultimately - who gives a f*ck anyway! (Frank Zappa)

This topic is about imagination. Like anything, it needs to be used in moderation. But moderation in both ways. To some degree we live "in a world of pure imagination" - like the Willy Wonka song says, and yet, there are certain realities as well. After watching the Pianist (not something I recommend before going to bed - as it will keep that from happening as it did for me) it is pretty clear that without food, water, even exposure to sunshine - bad things can happen. If you are starving, imagining you are eating can only provide limited relief and will not stave off death either if the real thing does not show up. Also - we have to work at what we want to happen - dreaming your life away, so to speak, will not pay the bills. When sinking into a depression, and the chemicals are not working in your favor, imagining you are happy will not work - the depression takes its hold, the serotonin or neurotransmitter levels are lacking, and that becomes a reality - until something comes along to stop the avalanche, either medication, or in my case - a high powered Blue Max desk lamp (damn - I can't say enough about that light).

Yet - the other extreme applies as well - not enough imagination can be just as bad as too much. There are some people I know - and I at times have fallen into this category - that somberly trudge off to work every day, do what they have to do, come home, take care of their families, are a pure slave to responsibility and allow no room for joy or spontanaiety to take place in their lives. They won't allow themselves to have fun, won't even spend money to do something nice for themselves out of fear of running out of money. That is the other extreme - and it is not good either. That is what is often referred to as walking or living death. I always have been an advocate for balance. As one who has experienced the bipolar realm, and still to this day note that my moods tend to swing from one direction to another, I try (not always successfully) to keep them from going too far in one direction.

With that said - I will say this - when the right setting is there and the body has what it needs, food, water, light, even some kind of touch contact - it is possible for imagination to do wonders. I used to love smoking marijuana to the point of being addicted. I didn't have to do it all the time, but even a couple times a week - it sent me into an amazing dream world where when I turned off the lights and played some of my favorite music, I would be flying through a beautiful world of sunset paintings and heavenly sights. I did not know such a world existed until I started getting high. But at some point, after being tired of the side effects - sore lungs, feeling scared at times, feeling burned out - I realized I had enough - but with the vision in mind from the drug experience, I know it is possible to attain that world without the drugs. When I am "in tune" so to speak, and the music comes on the stereo, or I pluck the guitar with my hands and sing - I can be in a similar state - maybe not so pronounced as when I am on drugs, but something close to the same wonder, and without the side effects. All of that is the result of imagination. I experienced that at many Grateful Dead concerts, and though I did my fair share of drugs at the concerts, some of my most profound experiences were completely sober - but still in an altered state.

Chat rooms are the result of imagination as well. People imagine they are talking to each other, imagine various images while exchanging thoughts, and the collective power of it is the appeal. My chat room though has lost its appeal because I know it so well I can IMAGINE what is happening now without even having to go in there (10 days now since I have). I started a topic on Stanley Tookie Williams - and I pretty much knew that most people were going to come in saying something to the effect of fry the bastard - and it was completely predictable when that happened. I am not a death penalty advocate, and to me it is a primitive aspect to kill someone in retribution for another killing - even if the original killing itself was wrong. Yeah I know I will feel differently if someone rapes and kills my wife, but I am not for it - and won't spend too much more time here discussing it. But anyways - I have no need to go to this place any more, because I can imagine it just as effectively as going to it. Remember my 12-23 post about the 9,666 number. Guess what - just went into Yahoo to check messages - I had 9 in the inbox, and 666 in the bulk (junk mail) - synchronistic, and maybe even a little frightening. I think some outer space alien is messing with me..

Same applies to romantic relationships. My fantasy relationship from last year existed because both of us had the power to imagine it was happening, and that reality became so strong that it affected my real life relationship here. I understood why people have affairs pretty clearly. I know my marriage was a struggle at that time, but even when things are going well - day after day - the same person for years on end, is not going to be able to provide a fairy tale existence, and falling in love with another strange new exiting person has a great appeal. Probably why so many romance novels and movies are popular as well. But imagination can work there well. You don't have to actually go out and have an affair with a real life living person to provide that spark, your own dream can be just as powerful without another person there to make it happen. You can "exist on the stars" (line from "Miracles" by Jefferson Starship - one of my favorite songs - had to rush out and buy the CD used just to hear it recently) - without literally being on the star (which would burn you to a crisp) - but you can be there in your mind. You can dream your fairly tale in your heart, and still feel the love and joy for the real life people in your household, without resenting them for not being able to make that dream happen for you. It is not up to them to provide the dream, you can do that with your own faith and imagination. As Ruiz says, it is all a dream anyways, so why not make it a happy or pleasant dream?

I actually resisted buying this light because in some sick way, my depression was comforting to me and I had a hard time letting go of it. But this light is here and my depression (though never gone for good) is back in the shadows, and allowing my imagination to come to life. It is a focused imagination - one that motivates me to do well at my job, and travel all over the place (even through pure wind and rain to Susanville yesterday - quite an un-nerving drive after driving by an overturned truck that the weather had gotten).

"If this ain't the real thing, then it's close enough to pretend."

(Saint of Circumstance)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I understand your not posting on the GB SITE all over the place ... but would it not work to just post ... on the 1 'barbee' topic in the 'peg board? Or do you have to go "cold turkey"???

10:01 AM  
Blogger Zook said...

"Cold turkey has got me.. on the run"

John Lennon

Cold turkey it is Barbee! Just be thankful I am not screaming the way John was at the end of that song

7:49 PM  

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