Sunday, May 13, 2007

I believe that what you sing to the clouds, will rain upon you when your sun has gone away

Not too much this week - I mean there is a lot going on - my daughter is going to have to undergo some serious tests requiring hospitalization, but overall - life goes on. It has been pointed out that I complain - yes - I do - but if that is all that is seen here, then the point is being clearly missed. Yep - life sucks some times - yes there are a lot of obstacles to deal with, and some times a lot has to be taken away so that everything is put into perspective, but through all of the tough times - what gets me through it is one thing - faith. That is the point I try to come away with here, it may be a point that is missed with all of the other items I delve into - after all - a clear exposing of all of my personal issues, fears, phobias, depressions and neuroses might be seen like whipping out my privates to some - but hey - we all got feelings - I just don't have a problem with - to a degree anyways - expressing them. In this society is still considered taboo to do that, especially coming from a guy. Along the way, one's own projections and issues come into play and hence some of the negative reactions I get here. I just know I am still here, and I can survive in the face of a lot of unpleasant emotions, and life situations - because I do have an overhwelming faith in something good - a force of love, God, Goddess, nature - the world around me - that gets me through it. Without that - I don't know how I would do it.

When I first heard the song below, the lead singer called upon a hippie lady who seemed to know the words from the audience and she sang it - braless and flapping away, clearly uninhibited and then he was joined by members of the audience, so I couldn't really pick out the words until later, but I just love the message - it is a message that no matter how much life gets you down, keep on going, keep on pursuing and then the "rainbow comes". It helped to sing this song when my testicles felt like they were going to explode in pain when they were hurting now long ago. I just learned the chords - a basic G C F Am and it is a nice one to play out in the backyard with a view of the mountains and the wind blowing through the trees. I felt like I could have written it myself, but obviously someone else thought of it first. There is a line about friends in there - I am thankful for the many that I do have who come in here to read this. You may not make your presence known but I know you are there.

Yes I Will - Michael Franti

I received a letter, that you wrote me, On a dark, cold and cloudy day.
Reminded me on the side of the road, You'll find a light you'll find a friend you'll find a way.
Well today i'm feelin' all broke down, I ain't got the faintest clue 'bout what to do,
Can't comprehend the situation at hand, So i'll try my best just to get back home to you.

Keep on walkin' now, (yes i will,)
Keep on takin' bout it (yes i will.)
Keep on singin' bout it (yes i will,)
Keep on ringing out (yes i will.)

I believe that what you sing to the clouds, Will rain upon you when your sun has gone away,
And I believe that what you dream to the moon, Will manifest before you rest another day.
So stay strong, and sleep long, and when you need to Let the morning take you out right on through the day, hey hey,
And when you find you're at the end of the road, Just lift your head up, spread your wings and fly away, come on yall!

When you lost and alone, that's when a rainbow comes. When your lost and alone that's when a rainbow comes for you


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