Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Got to scrape that shit right off your shoes

Thanks to the Stones for that line from Sweet Virginia

Let me start by going audience participation today - today's gem comes from my last post:

"Miles Greenburg said...
I have a friend who, through pure torture, asked me to read your recent post. He asked me to explain it to him... but all I have to say is, "WHAT???!" You write a lot but never seem to come to a point. I don't doubt your life is just as pointless

Hey Miles - if that is your real name - somehow I think it might be something else, but let's just say that really is your name. Let me address your concerns here.

As to the point - that I practically beat you over the head with in my last writing, if I have to explain a point that is that clearly spelled out in high school English (I am not one on big words) - then - well - I don't know what to tell you brother. Read it again, bring it to your ninth grade teacher for an explanation. There aren't any big words in there or anything- it is pretty straightforward. It does require like - a slight bit of intuition since it does go into the realm of human emotions, and if you are as completely disconnected from yours as you seem to be, well - it might be a little confusing for you and your - err.. FRIEND. (I won't even ask you to explain your friend). I wouldn't go around advertising that you didn't get what I wrote - if it is too complex for you, I might suggest such fine shows on PBS as Sesame Street or the Teletubbies. Come on Miles - how can you not get the point of what I wrote?

Now if you don't like what I wrote - that's fine - you don't have to. Maybe my writing style is complete shit as far as you are concerned. Based on your contributions here, I am as equally unimpressed with your style - so we are even there. But assume you are right - and this is a bunch of rank, whining, hysterical, pointless bullshit - which causes a reaction of torture on your end - given that - explain why you are still reading this. It may seem like a wild concept to you, but when I see something I don't like, I stop reading it. Like I said before, that is why I read no other blogs - they don't interest me - but you are still here buddy. I suspect you are getting something out of it. Maybe you love to hate it - some people see crappy movies for that reason - even then, you must find some value - otherwise, you would simply disappear. The fact is Miles - like it or not - you are hooked. You can't walk away even if you wanted to. I appreciate the compliment Miles - you are taking the time, effort and energy to read my shit. It may be torture for you Miles, but you keep coming back for more.

As far as my life being pointless Miles - once upon a time it was, some time I even feel at times it can be. But what makes my life meaningful is my ability to write, even if you in your infinite wisdom think what I write - sucks. I have positive feedback from others and my wife likes to hear what I wrote every Sunday morning. It brings us together in times that are tough. It also makes me feel good to write it, and expressing myself here, musically and in other realms has in fact given my life meaning. That's the point for me, even if to you it is pointless. I am going to go out on a limb Miles and state that you are projecting your own pointlessness onto my writings. After all, you ever want to hear how someone feels about themselves, just see what they have to say about someone or something else.

Thanks for being a part of my audience Miles - you'll keep coming back. In the words of Frank Zappa:

You will obey me while I lead you
And eat the garbage that I feed you
Until the day that we don't need you
Don't go for help . . . no one will heed you
Your mind is totally controlled
It has been stuffed into my mold
And you will do as you are told
Until the rights to you are sold


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are simply a laughing stock Mr. Music. My friend forwards me your blogs when he knows we can get a big laugh out of them. It's comical how pathetic you are. I am sure you enjoy that. I simply feel sorry for your poor wife if your only quality time with her is spent complaining about your own existence. I don't read your site religiously, I only read when my friend feels there will be a good bashing on the lower forms of life out there. You have a few people coming to your defense, so good for you! All the freaks have followers.

9:09 AM  
Blogger Zook said...

"All the freaky people make the beauty of the world"

Micahel Franti

Hey Miles - without us freaks, the real "normal" folks like you would be bored out of your mind. If you keep coming in here I am going to have to charge you prettty soon.

Thanks Miles - really - I appreciate your visits.

9:55 AM  

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