Sunday, April 01, 2007


Today we went to see this performance at the Brewery Arts Center in Carson City performed very well by its creator, Liz Broscoe, and probably the best performance we have seen in Carson City of any kind. This lady was amazing on every level as far as her ability to make music with her hands, but what I liked about it was that it points out what I have known for years now, that you don't have to be a musical wizard to really get into the meditational spirit of the music - that music is one of the best forms of medicine out there that has no chemical side effects of any kind. At the drum circles I have attended lately at Comma Coffee in Carson City, I am definitely not close to being the best one there, but as one of the songs in the production said, being best doesn't matter - it is getting into the rhythm and the groove that does. It has taken me a while with my guitar and singing, and I am never going to aspire or claim to be a virtuoso, but it doesn't matter - because music is a vehicle and whether you are driving a beat up Chevy 30 years old that can barely make it down the street of a brand new Mercury luxury vehicle, either way if you know how to drive they are going to get you to where you need to go. The point of my music is to get there, and I would never claim to have the discipline, chops or talent of my buddy, Rich Cohen, but even so - we both share the same vibe even if I have about 1/100th of his talent, and I love to get together with him to play, even though it has been many years - because we are both there regardless of talent levels. Had a great time this summer with Mr. L who honored me with a visit as well, even though he ended up being the improvised percussionist, because again, it doesn't matter how you get there, as long as you do. With the hand drums, I can keep a rhythm, and am slowly getting to the point where I can pass enough to blend into the circle, but again, I got the spirit working, so that even if I am not playing the complex rhythms that some are, I find that I catch others smiling at me or loooking my way and saying in a kind of unwritten language - hey - you and I are both here and we both get it, and in these things the spirit is contagious, but it can work all by yourself too, it is like comparing group sex to flying solo, either way you are going to get the release and once you get it, how exactly it happens does not really matter all that much. It is not how well structured the vehicle is, as much as having a vehicle of any kind, and in my mind, it is a matter of being in tune - in tune with your inner being, inner soul, and spirit - which has taken a while for me, and I can't always make it happen, but it seems like my batting average has been increasing these days. So I can watch a production like this and even though I can never drum the way Liz Broscoe can, or jam the way Rich can, again - I get it because I know how to get there within my own limited vehicle. That is what is wonderful about music, you don't need to be a virtuos to get there, you just need to grab a drum, guitar, chant a tune, practice a little and just go for breaking on through. I have used this vehicle to motivate and inspire myself, heal myself with my words, tap into my inner soul - my God/ddess voice - and if only we all could do that. In the production she jokingly says maybe some day we can have drums part of the White House Rose Garden. Maybe some day... DURGA - as said in the production Drums Unite Race & Gender Alike. Maybe healing the world can start with just picking one up and going for it.


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