Tuesday, January 24, 2006

I've felt the coldness of my winter, I never thought it would ever go

(Page/Plant - The Rain Song)

I saw an article in the paper yesterday on the increased chances of breaking up in January. Since I will never master the art of inserting a direct acess link here, I am just going to post the whole link here: http://news.rgj.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20060123/LIV/601230310&SearchID=73233520710734

No wonder we were both ready to leave each other last year, and felt some tension this year as well - I guess it is just a bad month for couples. The whole grass is greener notion will always take over on many different levels - other places, other people - all start to look better. One of the Buddhist books I read by Sylvia Boorstein - I think it is called It's Easier than you Think - had a comment about lust - saying it is okay to feel it, fall in love with someone outside of your marriage - as long as it remains a thought that is not acted upon until very serious consideration is given for the consequences of acting. Falling in love is kind of strange - one day I can feel in love with someone out of my past (a past girlfriend or experience from the past) and then on Sunday I was walking with Victoria and I felt completely and totally in love with her. People are human - and you can't turn it on or off. When I think of Victoria before I think of everything, I know she is my best friend. After that, everything else will just find a way to hopefully work itself out - even if there is often friction there at times.

Last night I was in the middle of what us males may refer to as quality time with our pardners, when my cell phone went off right in the middle of this. I thought to myself - it is probably a call out (where I have to run off to some place up to an hour away to take pictures of an accident) and I stayed calm under pressure and thought - there is no way in hell I am going ANYWHERE until I am done here. So the task at hand was completed, and it turned out to be my fellow office worker calling me to test the phone. I passed the test but would have been ready - there is no way I could concentrate on handling an accident while I still had what Howard Stern has referred to as a "full tank". (There it is - my once in a blue moon graphic reference).

A side note - I really enjoyed talking to my brother and sister in law the other day - hopefully we can do more of that.


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