Wednesday, November 02, 2005

They used to be so in love, now they fight so much..

that they frightened all their friends away (Ray Davies - Labor of Love)

I was just telling Victoria how one of my on line friends, Kia, was pushing therapy upon me earlier this year. I resisted - have had so much of it already, and not many good experiences - but when you reach that rock bottom point, it is either that or you can't take it any more. Things are so much better here now after doing it, so although I went in kicking and screaming I now thank (fill in the blank) that I did.

So now it is interesting to see I am on the other side now, and now suggesting it to others. It isn't for everyone. Some of my immediate relations will go to their grave in a state of complete self-unawareness, but that is their choice. For people that are in a bad marital state, I think it is a great alternative to say either divorce, or just sticking it out for the sake of the kids. So - it was not easy for me to write a letter to some mutual local friends of ours telling them that they had better do that soon, because they are fighting so much it is hard to be around them. I did it in the most non-judgemental way possible, even suggesting we had been through the same thing, but most likely they will take it personally anywyays - but honestly - I can't take being around them any more if they keep fighting when we visit them, and their screaming children out of control don't help the matter either, since their brand new dream house with all laminate floors is like a built in amplifier for sound.

Our therapist told us that when you start to become more in tune with yourself that some people who you once knew may not get it, and may not stick around any more. All I know is lately I enjoy being in either my own company by myself, or that of my family around me - but if people are going to bring me down, life is too short for that!

So - we shall see what happens from here.


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