Saturday, October 15, 2005

7 come 11 boys I'll take your money home

from "Candyman"

It is official - we have been had. We bought a mattress out of an outfit advertising in the classified ads - some black market operation - spent over 300 bucks - and it made Victoria nauseous (yeah - the same one that blew off the truck last week). The supplier "Coronet" does not exist, and the seller who was really nice before we bought it essentially told us to go to hell. I researched on the net and a lot have people have bought name brands and had the same reaction. Apparently the glue that holds the mattress together is one nice toxic mess of poison. We are going to have to throw it out and buy another. I have written a letter to the Attorney General, but doubt that will help. Sara got sick sleeping on it, and that was the last straw. I never slept on it myself, but just thinking about it is making me nauseous. Oh well - on the bright side - if there is one - people have been had for a lot more than we were - but it still sucks no matter how you look at it. I knew we were taking a risk in buying it, but had never heard of anything like this. I was more concerned about how long it would hold up.

I will just have to keep singing the song I wrote below to try to focus on the big picture. Hurricanes and earthquakes have not gotten me - yet anyway - and all of us are here in good health. Still - hope no one else reading this has to experience this. If there is a lesson to be learned - watch where you buy your mattress.


Blogger LadyBug said...

Zook, that's horrible! I'm so sorry you were taken advantage of. I've never even heard of something like that happening. I really hope that the company that sold it to you will burn in hell, or at least face some sort of legel resposibility.

Let me know how it turns out.

BTW, we got a steal deal on our new mattress and boxspring last year. We went to some mattress store and were shown a mattress that had to be sold, that is the wrong model was sent to them as a display and they had to get it out of the showroom asap. We bought the whole outfit, mattress, boxspring, and frame for about $250. I think the guy who sold it to us was pissed as hell but we got a great deal! Hopefully you can find something similar.

9:38 AM  

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