Thursday, September 15, 2005

And the race is on

Okay - I have officially resolved to stop being so much of a pig, to start working out harder, and to try to drop down some of that monster that is hanging below my belt. I did it before about 2 years ago, but I took the eye off the ball. Also finding if I cut back on sugar, eat more small high protein meals, that I am not so ravenous. In honor of my upcoming 40th birthday, I am going to take the glucose hypoglyemia test bright and early that morning - that should be a lot of fun. A woman at the gym scared me a little - said someone she knew took the test and got sick for a week, but I am going to do it regardless. I survived a 600 plus mile back and forth to Elko the other day, and eating right definitely helped. One of my more boring entries - I know - but I still had to post it.


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