Friday, October 14, 2005

Starting up a brand new day

The first time I heard the Sting song Brand New Day my thoughts were something like what the f*** is this cheesy sh*t. I believe I was in a Family Fitness Center locker room in Oceanside, CA - stopping in for a workout between appointments in my San Diego claims adjusting days when I first did. I was a fan of the Police and some of his studio stuff, and even saw him play with his band with Branford Marsalis after his first solo effort at the LA Greek Theater with one of my best friends I have known forever - Eddie - maybe about 20 years ago. His stuff is kind of hit and miss for me and the song just seemed to smack of commercialism.

So interesting how about 6 years after hearing it, I checked it out from the Carson City library and driving to Elko - and hearing it again - listening closely to the words and even looking at some of the words afterwards (I know - not the best idea to read and drive at the same time, but it was quick glances and I was in the middle of nowhere) - but anyways - whenever a song strikes me being the emotional being that I am - I get tears in my eyes and strangely enough this song was doing that for me.

(Feel free to Google the lyrics if you want to)

I think what I like about it is the idea of starting anew with someone you have struggled with, starting a new slate, starting over Just Like Starting Over by John Lennon also touches on that idea) and lately my marriage has felt just like that. It is not non-stop passion - because that is not who we are - but we are closer, we are friends, we hold hands more - and it just feels like we are both there for each other now in a way we were not before. Relationships can be hell - and the lyrics touch on that too - but somehow or another seeing it through can be a wonderful thing. I just wonder how many broken relationships/divorces could possibly have been salvaged if the two people had sought outside help and not given up too soon. No way to know for sure, but in my case I do thank the powers that be that we did not do that!

Now - with that in mind - another 300 miles to cover today without sleeping too well - so I guess I won't be reading any lyrics while driving on the way back.


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