Monday, August 28, 2006

There's nothing wrong with the look that's in her eye

Had to learn the hard way to let her pass by

A job from a male point of view is like a woman. When you first "score" the job - it is kind of like sex after a long dry spell - it enables you, makes you feel good, boasts your ego, and you want to leap for joy. When I first got my job 17 years ago in San Diego, I remember leaping up and down with joy, and when my boss called me back and heard me out of breath and asked if everything was okay, I downplayed it - but I was excited. Now 17 years plus, I start getting the typical middle aged husband point of view - you know - the whines about they are not appreciating me, they know they got me where they want me and I am not going anywhere, they are neglecting me - the type of concerns any man married for a long time might gripe about regarding his wife after the sex and passion wear off and it is his turn to either change the diapers, take out the trash, or pay the bills.

So theoretically speaking - not that this happened - although it probably possibly might have happened - oh screw it - it DID happen - I recently found myself "tempted" by another woman so to speak. Just at the point when I felt I could use the lift, the encouragement, the esteem of a new career move - or lover - however you want to look at it, she came knocking on my door very seductively in a tight see through blouse with both of her riped full breasts exposed practically whispering come fuck me honey (I don't normally throw out the "f" word lightly but seeing that Viola dedicated her entire August 19, 2006 post to it - I somehow feel justified now). And of course - I was initially suspicious - I mean - why was some hot luscious sexy honey looking at a pot bellied middle aged man anyways.

And then the tease slowly began - she wanted me - yes others were wanted to - I was not her only suitor - but I was at the top of a list, and after just one short screening date to determine that I really was the one for her, I could have my way with her and live out my wildest dreams and fantasies. And then the waiting game began as I went out and bought a new suit, had my hair cut by a real hair dresser, did everything to look my best as I got ready for the long 3 hour one way drive in each direction to the promised land to meet my impending piece of ass. And then everything would be different once she chose me - which would of course - be a matter of time - my mid life crisis would be done with, I would be getting laid with fresh meat - my ego would be boosted, life would be worth living again, and I would be sitting on top of the world. It was meant to be - God had sent her down from the sky to rescue me - and I felt it in my bones that this was the one for me.

And after the first meeting, the painful wait to confirm that I was indeed the one for her. Waiting - waiting - waiting forever for that magical yes. At first it was going to be a week and a half, and then that turned out to two and a half weeks. It turned out there was just one slight problem. I was not number one - I was actually number two - but number one was hesitating and was not sure if he really wanted her. So I kept up my hopes, knowing the waiting torture was slowly eating away and morphing into a full on obsession. Even when my college buddy, Mr. Blotted Liver (yes - wine and pot bellies do go hand in hand in case you wondered) was up here cruising the lake with me - I was waiting for that wonderful ticket to the promised land that would arrive via cell phone. Waiting - waiting - getting more depressed as the day went on - for the phone call - that ultimately - never arrived. Not until today. And guess what. Number one took her and now I was back where I started.

Some have suggested that I got my hopes up for nothing and wasted my time and money courting this elusive lady, only to land in rejection - but I see it differently. I gained an experience - the meeting - interview - for lack of a better word - and I cast out my fishing line out there and now I have one down and more to go. I will never give up the hope and remember the inspiration when I really believed to some degree it was possible that someone or something was choosing me of all people to enter into the paradise of a new opportunity. I would never claim to be on a first name basis with God, although I do believe in some elusive version of him or her, and just because I made a psychic prediction that turned out - in this instance - to be false - I still believe she is out there, somewhere - waiting for me - and when the time is right, maybe the next time around I will get her. And of course - I am a realist - I know she cannot solve all my problems. After the original thrill wears off, like any marriage I will have the conflicts, frustations and resentment that all relationships bring. But today is the first day of the rest of my life - to get incredibly cheesy - and my spirits are not down - I remain inspired. I have seen her vision and I know that some day we will be united together. In the mean time, back to the familiar ball and chain.....


Blogger Zook said...

Which is to say

9:50 AM  

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