Monday, July 03, 2006

Hell is for children - and parents

In the Pat Benatar song she is describing a situation of a child being abused by her caretakers - in our case mother nature is the parent doing a pretty good job of abusing all of us here. We can't see a gastrointestinal specialist for another month and a half most likely, and all they can tell us in the emergency room is what are you doing here. Sara couldn't get to sleep last night, and the person on the phone from the hospital said we needed to bring her in, and at 2:00 or so in the morning, the greeting attendant in essence told us we were wasting our time and they couldn't do anything for her. Will try to see the pediatrician today, but so far the local doctor can't help much either. Sara keeps asking us why this can't be figured out, when she is in tears in the middle of the night - we are going on line, checking out books, trying to diagnose this on our own - it is starting to look an awful lot like Crohn's Disease, but for the time being - nobody can seem to help - we have fallen through that unclassifiable loop hole of healh care. A woman came in screaming and collapsed to the ground last night - and so it could be worse, but even so - it is still pretty miserable - I was lucky to get the 4 hours of sleep I got last night - not nearly enough..


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