Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Love is a flower you got to let it, you got to let it grow

(John Lennon - Mind Games)

Today is Valentine's Day - and although it may be a celebration of romantic love I think it is a good time to pay tribute to love overall. So at the risk of going overboard with cheese (you have been warned) let me do that. I want to express the love I have for everyone in my life - all of my friends, family, my wife, and everyone who has come into my life, past and present. Maybe I have been upset at you at one time in the past, but I still love you anyways. I have held some anger, resentments, and grudges in the past - but other than getting myself real worked up about them, they ultimately don't do anything but keep me from sleeping real well. If you have ever done anything to upset me, you are hereby forgiven - even if you never apologized. I in turn hope if I have done anything to upset you, that you can find it in your heart to do the same. Peace is a much better way to live life than war, and harboring anger is almost like containing a virus - all it does is make you sick. So maybe there is a self-interest in my hippie like sentiments, but what do you want, perfection here? (if I was real hip I would say "lol" but I did get a laugh out of my own statement there)

My life is not perfection. Sometimes I resort to sadness - a very familiar state for me. Some times I freak out over stupid things. Some times I worry about things that really aren't worth it. But in spite of my shortcomings - I am at a point where I am very grateful to be alive, with two full time companions that add so much meaning to a person who has lived much of his life alone. Between the full moon rising over the Pine Nut Mountains yesterday, bursting like a white sun from the palm of a hand into the desert sky, the glowing mountains around me, a beautiful wife, a beautiful daughter, sometimes I wonder how I was able to arrive at a point where there is so much beauty in my life, but here it is - and it continues to inspire me every day. To anyone who has ever come into my life, you were part of made this possible - so I am expressing my gratitude and love for allowing my life to be such a magical place at times (I continue to aim to make those magical times in the majority).

Thanks to all the females in my life. I have never stopped loving anyone I once knew on an intimate level, though our paths have mostly separated (although I am still in touch with one of them). I love the female energy, the female face, (not too mention the body). Although I love my wife dearly, to some extent I am in love with all women - what the hell would my life would be without women in it anyway? Doesn't mean I am running off to have relations with them, but I can appreciate their beauty, the sound of their voices, their clothes, their looks - their presence - and just stand in awe of how beautiful a woman is. Out of all the wonders that nature has to offer, a woman is still the most beautiful and inspiring of all of them. And yet in my universal appreciation of women in all shapes and sizes, I can still come home to my dearly beloved wife and know that my home is with her, that she is my love and best friend, and that out of all the lovely women in the world, my true place is with her - to the point of "death do us part" and maybe even beyond that.

I love my friends too - and most of them are guys. I know - once you say I love you to a guy, it is immediately assumed you are dying to jump in bed with him, but I can say it without feeling like I am a flaming homosexual - and even if I have any unconscious tendencies in that direction at all (as one of my songs may suggest) I am too taken by women to ever really consider acting on them, unless I either get thrown in prison and am surrounded by them, or all the females drop off the face of the earth, but until that happens...oh never mind. But I do love my friends - the ones I have stayed in touch with for close to half of my life, but even the ones I have known much less than that - my friends add so much depth to my life, even if they are not around my actual home town - reading e-mails, talking on the phone - my friends have put up with me over the years - and at some point or another we have told each other to f*ck off, but we have come back around anyways - and thanks for being there, wherever you are - I won't mention your names, and some may not be reading this but you know who you are.

I have today off to spend with my beautiful wife, and to meet up some friends. Happy Valentine's Day to everyone!


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