Saturday, June 25, 2005

Possible song lyrics

I could never ever be the boy you wanted me to be
I can still hear the sound of your screams
Ringing in my head
And I can't - turn them off
Turn down the volume let me be

Some times voices take hold of me
Tell me I don't deserve to be alive
That I'm not worthy of sweet love
Love I've always been longing for
It was always so far out of reach

I came to you helpless and thirsty
Toxic potions I received
But I kept on coming back for more
Every time I thought maybe it would change
Charlie Brown on his back, each time the same

I am walking, hunched over and weak
Humiliated, head down so ashamed
Take the scraps that life feeds me
Somehow I have mis-behaved
Numb and dead, my punishment waits

I have always been so guilty, anticipating my doomed fate
Locked in the corner, nowhere to escape
Get it over, I dont' want to wait
I must deserve it, your un-ending hate
I cannot change it, it's too late

To this day, I still can't be - the man you've wanted me to be
The one that you can boast of, as your extension
And like you I can't ever escape
This ever oppressive - apprehension
Is it worth the time it takes to mention
Will we ever learn our lesson


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