Saturday, August 05, 2006

White trash - don't call me that

Southern Culture on the Skids - song introduced to me by Uncle Dan - if you are reading this, wouldn't mind it in CD - courtesy posting of lyrics at the end of this post

I am not about discrimination, but this is quite an interesting term when you normally associate discrimination against the assumed minority races and whites have always been assumed to be the majority. Webster's online dictionary describes it as being a member of an inferior or underpriviliged social group. Based on that alone and a quick tour of the slop hole I live in, I may very well be considered a distinct card carrying member of this club. One can also see at this link here in exquisite detail that it may not be limited to social class alone. So let me give you my own well defined associated parameters of this social entity.

You don't have to be a fan of country music, or a brainwashed born again Christian to be "white trash" - though it certainly helps. First of all - I think it has nothing to do with how much money you have or what class you are in. And how well your home may look inside may have nothing to do with it either - a nice, orderly, picture perfect home can often harbor a monster within. I think the derogatory term trash is in my book associated with the regard one has for one's fellow human beings. I have come across certain socio-pathic types that are looking out for number one at all costs, and the notion that their actions have any affect on others, never seems to come into play. If white trash wants to get drunk, you better stay out of WT's way - because WT is going to get loaded, stink like shit, throw his beer bottles into the road, pick a fight if anyone says anthing offensive, crawl off to sleep in his mobile home or RV, throw up in the morning, and then repeat the process all over again and you had better hope WT in his or her completely loaded state decided that a nice tour of the countryside behind a loaded automobile did not come into play as part of his or her reasoning. If WT wants to get laid for another form of a fix, WT is going to go un-protected, unconcerned about either receiving or transmitting STD's, hopefully avoid getting knocked up, but if it happens, an abortion is always a nice way to solve the problem - or better yet - have the damn kid, collect child support as a supplementary income, and then have the damn kid grow up to be either neglected, abused, molested - or a combination of the three - and not think anything of that either.

Unfortunately - the reason I am inspired to write such a somewhat negative toned piece of blog is that the complete unconcern listed above seems to have had a direct impact on my life at this present time. No need to go into specifics here, and not naming any names - you know the standard any coincidence here is purely imagined - but those of you out there who have lived by the I am going to do what ever the fuck I want - regardless of how it affects you - and if you don't like it go fuck yourself - are having an impact on my family and my life in a pretty uncomfortable and discouraging way. What can I say to you to get you to change. Do you have to have an Ebineezer Scrooge moment where you realize that if you continue on this course, you will be condemned to an existence where nobody remembers anything good about you as you are lowered into a cold grave for eternity? Do I have to get you to subscribe to the notion of karma to realize that one's selfish actions that ultimatley hurt and harm others, ultimately harm the one who is doing the hurting to begin with? Or - in your sociopathic state, are you just completely hopeless and beyond redemption?

If I sound mad - well - I am not writing this in a state of consumed rage. But I wouldn't say I am happy about the present situation either. People I know and love have been hurt - I will not go into it any more specifically than that - and some of you may already know what I am talking about. From a Buddhist standpoint, there are no evil perpetrators and compassion for all is the answer - even in responding to a hurtful and damaging situation. As one who has not reached a state of this type of enlightenment yet, I can respect it and know I am not there either. Whatever it takes - and however it happens, if it ever does, it would be nice to live in a world where people did care about each other and the affect their actions have on others. In the mean time, a lot more hurting and destruction is going to continue if many continue to live their lives the way that they do.

Southern Culture on the Skids:

"white trash don't call me that
white trash you don't call me that baby
you know i love you baby
don't you think just maybe
the way you talking to me
would send a chill right through me
white trash don't call me that

white trash don't call me that
you saw me on the wagon
you hitch me to your wagon
the way you talking to me
will send a chill right through me
white trash don't call me that

white trash don't call me that
white trash don't call me that
i can still smell the sh*t in your hair
i don't matter what kind of
perfume that you wear
you have been living in the
backwoods hamburger shack
you can take a bad p*ss
cause your'e leaking trash"


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