Thursday, June 08, 2006

Dumb all over, a little ugly on the side

Hey, We can't really be dumb
If we're just following God's orders
Hey, let's get serious...
God knows what he's doing
He wrote this book here
And the book says:
He made us all to be just like him,
If we're dumb...
Then God is dumb...
(an maybe even a little ugly on the side

Above quote from the late and great Frank Zappa

My marriage is in trouble. It's not the fact that we have both gotten older and put on weight, and are starting to lose interest in each other. It is not that some times we think we would be better off somewhere else, and are just here for the sake of the child. It is not our potential tendencies toward rage, and both verbal and emotional violence, due to our troubled upbringings. It is not that we come from different cultures, and often have a clash in values, that range from how and when to spend money, to whether or not we should live in a rural or urban area, with both of us wanting something different. It is not the fact that certain habits of the other continue to irritate and annoy the other and the annoyance never quite goes away.

No - I will tell you the real threat to my marriage - and ironically enough, it does not even lie within my home. It is an invisible threat - that may be who knows - 5 or 10 miles from my home. But within that radius, the following scenario is about take place - two men of the same sex (going biblical here) let's call them Adam and STeve - they are getting ready to engage in graphic homosexual sex. Adam has his stiff rigid member and is getting ready to penetrate the willing anus of his homosexual lover. Somewhere down the road, two women of the same sex are ready to please each other in an oral manner. And the real threat here is that these two couples - not only want to do these horrible and offensive acts in the privacy of their own homes, but they want to do it under the shield of a marriage license. That's right - they want to get married. They want to be entitled to the same benefits and recognition that we as a heterosexual couple have here in this house. They want assistance with health care, tax breaks, respect.

You may ask - why is this a threat to me? Well - to be honest - I have asked that same question many times - and the answer is not too clear, but let's speculate for a moment. Maybe it is a threat to my rigid Christian morals, that dictate how a couple is suppose to behave sexually. Maybe I am afraid of my own potential homosexual side, and I deal with it with homophobic rage, discrimination, and cruelty to homosexuals - so that I don't have to face my own inner homosexuality. Maybe - ultimately it is none of my God damn business how other people live their lives. Maybe a lot of same sex couples can do a better job of raising their kids then a lot of the half assed jobs that heterosexual couples are doing, and that in itself is a threat.

But in any case - I am being assisted here - help is on the way. The President of the United States has my back. He is working hard under my tax dollars to establish a constitutional amendment to protect marriage, and establish that it is between a man and woman only - not between a man and a man, woman and woman, a man and a sheep, man and dog - no - man and woman only. Even though it was a tough break and congress did not approve of it - the President of the United States has my best interests in mind. Just knowing that he is doing this for me makes me feel protected, and I believe it will be a great benefit to my marriage. It may even save it. And gosh - do I appreciate that!

I know - just blame Bush and the Republicans, right? Not that simple. There is a bumper sticker on my street that says "I love my country, it is the government I am afraid of"... and I would add in one more line at the end - "the people who elected them scare me even more!". All Bush is doing is looking very carefully at the polls - this is what we want - we have spoken - homophobics all over the place in the name of Jesus Christ have declared that all homos are evil people who are going to hell, and Bush is relying on these voters to prop up his ratings. In other words, if there was not an audience for it, he would not be saying it. I would like to think, if we ever become evolved on any level, that some day we will look back at this extremely primitive way of thinking in horror, the way some of us look back at the primitive thinking behind the witch hunts of a few hundred years back. Our country lives in fear and prejudice of anything that is not main stream, whether it is a gay couple, or the dark skin of a race. Us Jews still get a bad rap as well. If it is not part of the norm, than it must be bad, right?

So - how does this tie in with my local friend's request to explain why I am not gung ho with all of the flag waving that goes on during July 4th? Well - God knows there are enough political postings on the net to sink a ship and I am not here to blast any particular political party, more a very generalized assessment of my impression of American values, or lack of values ultimately. First of all, make no mistake about it - this is a Christian country. "Moral values" are what won the last election. I have no problem with Christianity - it has some beautiful aspects to it - I like the idea of loving our fellow human being which, being no biblical student myself, I understand was one of Christ's teachings. So - it is not Christianity in itself that I object to, but more the notion I seem to encounter from more than a few of them, that if you don't buy in, you are going to hell and that there is no point in having anything to do with you if you are not one of us. Why is that a local soldier who died in Afghanistan, Patrick Stewart, can't even get a placcard on his grave for his Wiccan religion? Because the government does not recognize it - why? The troublesome aspects of the Christian religion are those that either ignore or excommunicate those who do not believe, or take it upon themselves to conquer other nations and/or peoples in an effort to impose their beliefs as the right way for everyone, and not just themselves . That to me is a big problem. That kind of arrogant - our way is the right way and your way is the wrong way, is what I see as one of the fundamental aspects of American personality that I don't like, and probably why we aren't winning a popularity contest worldwide either.

Even Manifest Destiny, which according to this site, was endorsed by some atheists - but ultimately from my view - was the notion that God gave us the right to stretch from one ocean's border to the other, all the while injuring, destroying, and killing any of the perceived inferior peoples along the way, seems to be the very embodiment of American thinking. WE are entitled to it, you are not. And from the way I understand it, the Native Americans who were here first were shafted every step of the way, and now have a high rate of alcoholism and suicide among the cesspool "reservations" we have entitled to them. At the local Earth Day here, one of the performing artists made the comment that as far as he was concerned, the pilgrims were the true illegal alien. We took the land, drove the Mexicans and Native Americans out, and now that several hispanic people I know of directly are slaving away, working 14 hours a day, 7 days a week to put food on our table and make our lawns look nice, all we can do is persecute them, humiliate them, drive them away, and then pass laws to make their already difficult lives even more difficult.

I am not going to sit here and bad mouth everything American, because I could spend all day doing that and others have done it before me, with more facts and knowledge I could ever have access to. And just because I criticize trends and tendencies, does not make me a terrorist, communist, or even a person who "hates America". The founding fathers of our country, who rose up against a tyrannical Great Britain - had many great ideas when writing the Constitution and Bill of Rights to try as hard as they could to prevent that tyranny from happening again here. It was their commitment to fight for their beliefs that led them to rise up against the oppressors. The problem is, now we have become these oppressors. Separation of church and state - what a concept - one that unfortunately, the government has worked very hard to slowly erode. Since we are a "free" country, don't I have the freedom - as an American Citizen - to voice my concerns? To quote a Clash song - You have the right to free speech, as long as you are not dumb enough to actually try it. Just look what happened to the Dixie Chicks who had the audacity for bashing the president for starting a war, that now years later, everyone knows has been a complete waste of lives and economic resources - they were crucified. I don't know their music, but my respect for them went up after reading that. Do we really want free speech, or are we all supposed to be mindless, brain-dead TV addicted lemmings who go along with the program?

And speaking of TV - that is a big part of our cultural void - this pool of SLIME so aptly described by Mr. Zappa in the link to the left - rules our lives - and most of it is 100% pure shit - but now we have far more than just 13 channels of shit on the TV to choose from, we have hundred of channels of shit! No offense to one of my friends, but I was hearing on the radio the TV show American Idol (I have never actually watched it) described as a high school talent karaoke show - and Americans sit there glued to it in record numbers! Apparently a guy beat up his Mom over an argument about who would win, and this guy (Andrew Ceciliano was the substitute radio show host) said that is why people around the world are laughing at us! We not only watch this crap, but we take it seriously, it rules our lives, tells us what to do, what to buy, what to think - it gives us no mind of our own! Victoria is reading a book called the Plug In Drug which chronicles that. And when the kids act up - hey - throw them in front of a TV, a portable DVD player for the road - get them started on the brain washing early. Who cares if they will be a vegetable by the time they are 20, at least they will be well behaved! TV is also used as an Orwellian tool to talk about such contradictory notions as "freedom" (right out of "1984") and "democracy" (which is merely symbolic in best in actuality). It is used as a tool to rally against the "enemy" - whoever that is - an enemy that distracts those from buying in from looking at the flaws of those in power. It is used as a way to generate patriotism and flag waving, the same tools that were employed by Nazi Germany for their cause. And a lot of people buy in blindly and faithfully as they are supposed to.

I already touched on consumption on one of my posts "Waste Not Want Not" a few back. To put it bluntly, we are a bunch of pigs. Hey - if you want to stuff your face with McDonalds and In and Out Burgers, give yourself high blood pressure, cholesterol, and a big fat gut to go with it - that would be one thing if that was just your problem. But the problem is - all of these behaviours - as a country nationwide - have dramatic effects on the earth. To accommodate for these cows, more countries will burn their forests and cut down trees. I saw in a book that if we could even reduce our consumption of meat a little (I am no vegetarian) that it would enable a lot of starving people to have access to food as a consequence - in that all of the wasted resources could be freed to go elsewhere. To accommodate our appetites, we support oppressive regimes like Saudi Arabia, where an unfaithful woman can be stoned to death for adultery, where apparently, they stick a sword up your ass before they behead you to get a better shot at the neck, according to a guy at my gym. But all we hear everywhere - from the government, news, TV - is consume, consume - it is great for the economy. Wall Street gets a hard on, but the world suffers environmental catastrophes, and nobody seems to talk about it - and when a few of them do, nobody listens. As Al Gore recently commented on Fresh Air, the oil companies start a campaign of disinformation about global warming and pollution, we all buy in, and the damage we are doing to our planet is getting close to irreversible. Maybe the religious fanatics in charge of our country just think that God will step in and save us, but if I am jumping over a cliff, I, as a man of faith, will not count on God coming to step forward and stop the fall. If we are digging our own graves, as we appear to be doing, I am not sure if even "God" can help us.

We are not a democracy. A few very wealthy people control our country. We are really an aristocracy disguised as a democracy. Where there is money around to brainwash the voters, that money will influence an election. Kerry - who I voted for, did not have a chance against the money chest carried by Bush. Money talks, bullshit walks - and both parties are owned by the wealthy. So - if the aristocrats who ran our country - actually cared about our future, the resources of the planet, and not just reaching record numbers on Wall Street - we would be okay. But as long as the ends justify the meanings, and raping the earth of its resources and polluting the skies like there is no tomorrow, with our government that is supposed to regulate this carefully in the hands of those who would rather pollute - than pollution will reign. Don't these people in charge have grand kids? Don't they care about their future? Do they just think God will take care of it? Maybe so.

We are also a country where if you are of lower class, forget it - nobody cares about you. Scrooge once said that there would be poor houses and orphanages to take care of the poor, here we just build prisons like there is no tomorrow. A lot of prisoners are drug addicts. Wouldn't it make sense to treat them as sick people, and not criminals - to have government funding for addiction programs - instead of prisons? Those programs being cut this day to account for the massive debt for a ridiculous war in Iraq - along with after school programs to keep kids out of gangs - hey why bother - just thrown them all in prison and throw away the key. It is documented that blacks and Mexicans dominate prison populations, and just like in the Bowling for Columbine movie, we see it and we believe it - they get higher sentences, more trips to the execution chamber - racism, prejudice, arrogant selfishness - all alive and well in the great US of A.

I know good things have happened here too - it is not all bad. There are progressive people trying to get this to change. The 60's was a great time period of enlightenment and rebellion against the establishment. Some of my favorite musicians are American - Bob Dylan, of course the Grateful Dead - great writers like Ginsberg, thinkers like Martin Luther King. I want to be optimistic - I want to think we can break out of our prejudiced, brainwashed orgy of destructive consumption and become a country that cares about the world and people around us, a country that can eliminate third world conditions within and without its boundaries - I think there is potential here. As it is now though, it just is not happening.

So on July 4th - if waving the flag and drinking beer is your thing - go for it, and have a great party. (I wrote a song about possible flag pole suggestions, but won't go there now). Just like on Valentine's Day we are supposed to be loving, on Christmas we are supposed to be generous - follow the trend, do what you are told, and have a great time. Just don't mind me if I stay home and put my ear plugs on, and wait for July 5th to mercifully arrive.

We're all confused
But what's to lose
You can call this song
The United States Blues


Anonymous Anonymous said...

...just unload ma shotgun, take a little skin.

1:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Zook, I'm with you on the evil and perniciousness that is TV. Another good book on this topic is "Parenting Well in a Media Age" by Gloria De Gaetano. It describes in great detail, how TV has killed our kids imagination and turned them into mindless drones that automatically crave the latest piece of crap toy or video game, and even may be a factor in increasing ADHD/ADD rates. Like the bumpersticker says, "Kill Your Television".

Parents, READ to your kids instead of taking the easy road of letting the idiot boxes raise them.

10:33 PM  
Blogger Zook said...

I can say a lot of things about my parenting I did not care for - but I can give full props for not letting me watch it during the week and limiting my time on the weekends - the full Zappa lyrics deserve their own post - and he did an awesome version on Saturday Night Live (ironically a TV show) years back:

I'm The Slime
by Frank Zappa

I am gross and perverted
I'm obsessed 'n deranged
I have existed for years
But very little had changed
I am the tool of the Government
And industry too
For I am destined to rule
And regulate you

I may be vile and pernicious
But you can't look away
I make you think I'm delicious
With the stuff that I say
I am the best you can get
Have you guessed me yet?
I am the slime oozin' out
From your TV set

You will obey me while I lead you
And eat the garbage that I feed you
Until the day that we don't need you
Don't got for one will heed you
Your mind is totally controlled
It has been stuffed into my mold
And you will do as you are told
Until the rights to you are sold

That's right, folks..
Don't touch that dial

Well, I am the slime from your video
Oozin' along on your livin'room floor

I am the slime from your video
Can't stop the slime, people, lookit me go

7:21 AM  
Blogger Richard Quick, Millionaire said...

We are not a democracy. A few very wealthy people control our country. We are really an aristocracy disguised as a democracy....Money talks, bullshit walks - and both parties are owned by the wealthy.... We are also a country where if you are of lower class, forget it - nobody cares about you.

You are correct. The only logical course of action is to join us... to become one of the wealthy. Set your alarm clock, stop huffing paint, and you can do it. I even show you how, for free, at

Just do me a favor and don't wear the tie dye at the Club.

See you on the veranda!

Millionaire Richard Quick, Esq.
Sr. Partner, Quick, Duhk & Hyde

5:11 PM  
Blogger Zook said...

No thanks - the little bit of money I do have I would like to hold onto instead of tossing into a get rick quick pyramid scheme, but thanks for thinking of my well being.

5:30 PM  
Blogger Seven Star Hand said...

Hey Zook, ready to think outside of the box and forge a true solution...

Racism is a very important part of the history of Christianity. The Genesis of these stories occurred in ancient Africa, Asia, and Judea and then moved to surrounding countries after the Roman Empire ethnically cleansed Judea of the "Tribe of Judah." In the subsequent century, Rome assumed control of Christianity and it then became based on European characters with European names and faces.

It is undeniable that the European names and faces of the New Testament and Christianity cannot possibly be the truth. They were interpolated into the so-called Gospels by Roman leadership. It is important to remember that ancient Judeans were dark-skinned, as were the Gnostic Coptics (Egyptians) and the Ethiopians. None of these people would have had names like Mark, Peter, Paul, Phillip, Jesus, etc. Consequently, it is undeniable that these names (and faces) are later creations imposed by Romans who ruthlessly eliminated all competing stories and philosophies to establish the Christian Orthodoxy now referred to as the New Testament.

The very fact that the New Testament and Christianity have been cleansed of African and Middle Eastern names and faces is evidence of purposeful racism. The fact that it continues to this day is undeniable. Simply look at how Christian nations have treated native peoples in every land they conquered and then imposed the Christian myth, which asserts the divinity of a white-skinned messiah, who is based on obvious lies.

The Merovingian kings in France simply endeavored to steal Rome's thunder by co-opting the Christian Myth to their own purposes by saying that Mary married a French king. This ploy was an obvious deception used to gain the loyalty of the citizens of the emerging French nation. Why would people who were so opposed to wealth and power (money-changers in the temple, etc.) marry into royalty? It's obvious that these French aristocrats saw through Rome's deceptions and used them, just as Rome had. It is unlikely they were much focused on racism though, since their subjects were all Europeans. Rome on the other hand had been oppressing and fighting Asians and Africans for centuries.

There is a foolproof way to verify the truth and expose centuries-old religious deceptions. It also proves why we can no longer let the Vatican tell us what to think about ancient history or much else. It is the common thread connecting why the ancient Hebrews, Yahad/Essene, Jews, Gnostics, Cathars, Templars, Dead Sea Scrolls, DaVinci Code, and others have been targets of Rome’s ire and evil machinations. The Vatican and its secret society cohorts don’t want you to understand that the ancient Hebrew symbology in all of these texts purposely encodes and exposes the truth about them. Furthermore, the structure of ancient wisdom symbology verifiably encodes the rules to decode messages built with it. This is what they most fear you will discover.

If the Bible represented the literal truth or even accurate history, there would be no need for faith in the assertions of deceptive and duplicitous clergy and their ilk. It is undeniable the New Testament is awash with ancient Hebrew symbolism and allegory. The same is evidenced in the Old Testament, Dead Sea Scrolls, Gnostic texts, biblical apocrypha, Quran, DaVinci Code, and other related sources. All ancient religious, mystical, and wisdom texts have been shrouded in mystery for millennia for one primary reason: The ability to understand their widely evidenced symbology was lost in antiquity. How do we finally solve these ages-old mysteries? To recast an often-used political adage: It’s [the] symbology, stupid!

It is beyond amazing that the Vatican still tries to insist the Gospels are the literal truth. Every miracle purported for Jesus has multiple direct symbolic parallels in the Old Testament, Apocalypse, Dead Sea Scrolls, and other symbolic narratives and traditions. Recasting the symbolism of earlier Hebrew texts as literal events in the New Testament is one of the central deceptions associated with Christianity. This is part of the secret knowledge held by the ancient Gnostics, Templars, Cathars, and others, which is presented with dramatic effect in the DaVinci Code. None of these narratives or stories were ever intended as the literal truth. This fact is the key to unraveling many ages-old mysteries and exposing the truth about the Vatican's long-term deceptions.

Moreover, the following Washington Post article (The Book of Bart) describes how many changes and embellishments were made to New Testament texts over the centuries, unequivocally demonstrating they are not original, infallible, or truthful. When you combine proof that the New Testament Gospels are not wholly literal with proof that these texts were heavily reworked in the early years of Christianity, you are left with only one possible conclusion. The Vatican has long lied to everyone about the central tenets and history of Christianity. This revelation also proves they are not the Creator’s representatives but Her long-time opponents. The recent hoopla over the Gospel of Judas and DaVinci Code demonstrates they are still desperately trying to deceive the world and obfuscate their true nature and activities.

It's no wonder the Vatican fears the truth more than anything else. As further proof of these assertions, seek to understand the symbolic significance of my name (Seven Star Hand) and you will have proof beyond disproof that Jews, Christians, and Muslims have long been duped by the great deceivers I warned humanity about over the millennia. What then is the purpose of "faith" but to keep good people from seeking to understand the truth?

Now comes justice, hot on its heels... (symbolism...)

Not only do I talk the talk, I walk the walk...
Here is Wisdom!!

Revelations from the Apocalypse


9:57 AM  
Blogger Zook said...

Wow - been a while since one of my posts have generated such a response - pretty interesting information there.... It is one of the reasons I never take any religious book literally - as if "God" could sit down and officially endorse one book as his or her word. Faith and religion are two different things entirely in the book of Zook.

4:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's not easy to juggle a psychotic wife and a troubled child, but somehow I manage to fit in eight hours of TV a day.

11:39 AM  
Blogger Zook said...

Props 2 u..

12:39 PM  

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